

The section hosts Save-the-date and the main info - including the link for the registration - for each event, public or by invitation, that Active Citizenship Network realizes. It also hosts information about events we do not carry out but in which we participate, as well as events that in some way are deemed interesting for European policy purposes and that cover the different fields of activities in which Cittadinanzattiva/ACN operates. They are arranged by date, starting from the most recent one.

In accordance with its role in the consortium of the EU funded project co-OPERATOR, Cittadinanzattiv...
The #VaccinAction2024 first training event will focus on advocating for the strengthening of adult v...
In occasion of the online workshop organized by International Federation on Ageing - ACN official pa...
The Director of Active Citizenship Network has been invited as speaker in the online event titled «...
In the framework of the EU-funded project Cognitive Enrichment of European health riGhts for third a...
The Director of Active Citizenship Network was invited by ACN’ official partner IFA-International ...
Hosted by MEP Alessandra Moretti (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Ita...
Combining the protection of patients' rights with skills shortage, medical desertification and job s...
Invited by its long-standing Polish partner, Instytut Praw Pacjenta i Edukacji Zdrowotnej-Institute ...

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