

The Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe (MBVE) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder thought...
The key role of HCPs for a healthier EuropeCombining the protection of patients' rights with skills ...
We're looking for you to share your thoughts on an important initiative! Public and patient eng...
14 February 2024 | 10:30 – 12:00 Room Spinelli 3H1 | European Parliament, Brussels Programme ...
Knowing your territory is fundamental, it means awareness, it means being prepared for risk. Knowled...
As part of the exploitation activities carried out and promoted by Cittadinanzattiva within the EU-f...
The Kick-off meeting of the EU4Health funded co-OPERATOR consortium, in which Cittadinanzattiva-Acti...
BioReCer aims to ensure the environmental performance and traceability of biological waste feedstock...
We are thrilled to share the success of the first annual stakeholders meeting for the Biological Res...
The 2023 annual meeting of PROPHET took place at the Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF...
The NIGHTINGALE project conducted a mass casualty incident drill in Novara from 18 to 20 O...

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