

In accordance with its role in the consortium of the EU funded project co-OPERATOR, Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network organized on 26 June 2024 the EU workshop “Towards country-observatories for vaccination promotion: the role of civic and patient organisations” will be held in Brussels.

The meeting has the objective to lay the groundwork for the involvement in the project of civic and patient organisations committed to vaccination policies at the European level, and which, for this reason, will present good practices implemented in this field.

The ultimate goal foreseen by the project is to translate research evidence into evidence-based recommendations, involving key stakeholders – including PAGs and NGOs - through a Policy Lab to address barriers and knowledge gaps and co-create practical solutions for implementation at regional, national and European level, to move towards a common knowledge related to a life course vaccination approach: immunisation is key to preventing disease and protecting life.

The meeting, which is part of the activities carried out to promote and disseminate the project, is addressed primarily for leaders/representatives of Patient Advocacy Groups and NGOs who have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ACN or who have already collaborated with us on these topics.

To know more, click here.


eu co funded
OPERATOR is a Horizon EU4Health project funded by the European Union.
Project Number: 101133251

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