

As part of the 15th European Patients’ Rights Day, Active Citizenship Network - the European branch of Cittadinanzattiva - collected in a video the opinions of some representatives of the institutions, civil society and the scientific community, with the aim of launching a concrete message to the decision makers who took part in the Global Health Summit, held in Rome on May 21st, during the Italian Presidency of the G20.
The Summit was an opportunity to share the lessons learned from the pandemic and to define a common commitment to building a healthier, safer and more sustainable world. Global leaders and high-level experts discussed how to improve health security, strengthen our health systems and strengthen Europe's capacity to deal with future crises in a spirit of solidarity. In this context, Active Citizenship Network has also published a Manifesto with 10 recommendations addressed to institutions and signed by 50 associations from 18 countries, to underline the unmet needs of non-Covid patients. To see the video, click here.

To read the press release, click here

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