

The XV European Patients’ Rights Day has been celebrated with a virtual event by Active Citizenship Network with its traditional format of a big multi-stakeholder conference focused on the importance of the citizen organizations’ engagement and a multisectoral approach to take action on cross-border health threats, actual and future. The 2021 conference focused on showing and discussing examples of citizen’s engagement in health policies in this particular historical moment: a first day, dedicated to the health challenges faced by non-COVID patients and a second day, focused on the resilience of Healthcare Systems and the national immunization plans. Read more

Click here to read the Conference’s programme
Click here to read the speakers’ biographies
Click here to see the video-recordings of the first and the second day of the Conference
Click here to read the minutes of the first and the second day of the Conference
Click here to read the press release and here for the press review
Click here to see the photos of the event
Click here to read our Manifesto "Addressing non-covid patients: COVID-19 lessons learned for more resilient Health Care Systems. 10 Concrete recommendations towards a European Health Union"

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