

What about the impact of chronic pain across Europe in the age of Covid-19, according to the PAGs (patients advocacy group) and chronic pain patients’ organizations? A new survey is now launching thanks a partnership between Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais - Pólo da Universidade dos Açores, CICS.NOVA.UAc (Research Center in Social Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and the Chronic Pain Patients Association in the Azores. Collaborative partners are Active Citizenship Network (ACN) and Sine Dolore - European Pain Foundation, leading the  Pain Euro-Mediterranean Coalition, the informal network of manager & operators of best practices to facilitate the exchange of knowledge. One of the main aims of the survey is to contribute to develop the topic of chronic pain in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights because at the European level chronic pain has a major impact on workforce participants and productivity and is not adequately acknowledged nor addressed.  T

o know more, please contact Maria Teresa Flor de Lima from the Chronic Pain Patients Association of Azores (ADDCA)


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