

The webinar organized last December was aimed above all at general practitioners in order to spread the knowledge of Law 38 of 2010, “Provisions to guarantee access to palliative care and pain therapy”, with the unconditional contribution of Grunenthal. The general practitioner is the first person, in the health sector, with whom we relate when we need care and is also the fundamental link between the specialist and the patient. We do not want the right to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering to become a rearguard battle, penalizing the quality of life of those who already have a pathology, making the condition heavier and unbearable, depriving the person of a perspective and a project of life. Even today, despite ten years have passed since its emanation, it is little known. It is necessary to fill this knowledge and information gap and restore the central role in the treatment path to the relationship between doctor and patient and the awareness that healthcare professional and person who is ill / in need of care / patient are both undisputed protagonists of the care path.

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