

The transition to a sustainable and efficient economy requires radical changes in the consumption habits of our society and in the production models of our economy. Remarkably, the transition to a sustainable Europe has to be based on the commitment that "no one is left behind," and that everyone has to be involved in the achievement of this goal. “Leaving no one behind” also means empowering as many people as possible to play a positive and active role so that they can fully participate in the transition. For these reasons, the active participation of European citizens is pivotal for this transition.

The consortium hopes that the results of the NUDGE project will be taken into consideration by the European Institutions. Accordingly, the main outputs to the project will be presented to the Inter-Institutional Group “SDGs for well-being and consumers’ protection”, promoted by Cittadinanzattiva through its EU branch Active Citizenship Network (ACN), the European Consumers Union (ECU) and the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS). This group was indeed created to become a) an awareness raising catalyst across Europe for civil society, business, research, media, etc. at national and European level; b) a dialogue facilitator between the European institutions and stakeholders active in specific fields; c) an incubator of good practices in order to facilitate the process of exchange, contamination and dissemination of best practices experiences to enable EU citizens to make sustainable choices.

More information:

To know more about the Inter-Institutional Group “Sustainable Development Goals SDGs for well-being and consumers’ protection”, visit the official website

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