

In order to raise awareness of the NUDGE project and ensure the engagement of as many European citizens as possible, Cittadinanzattiva has also established different media partnership at international, European and national level. The media partners include The Innovation Platform, the peer review journal Resources and Environmental EconomicsEKOenergy, and the Italian online magazine CanaleEnergia.

More information:

Here you can read a selection of articles published by the media partners that support Cittadinanzattiva along the project:

CANALE ENERGIA (04 Feb 2021): La scienza comportamentale per aiutare i cittadini a fare più efficienza energetica (IT).
CANALE ENERGIA (25 Jan, 2021): Nudge, ovvero la scienza comportamentale a servizio dell’efficienza energetica (IT)
THE INNOVATION PLATFORM - ISSUE 3 (Sept 2020): The role of citizens in achieving a low-carbon future

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