

The NUDGE project recognizes the key role of citizens in the energy sector, as their behavior is crucial to promote energy efficiency and thus a low-carbon, climate resilient future. In order to attain Objective 7 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , which aims at “ensuring access to economic, reliable, sustainable and modern energy systems for al”, not only energy sources need to become more ‘renewable’, but also consumers’ behaviours and choices. Since the energy transition starts from the citizens, they have to be directly involved in initiatives targeting their attitudes and everyday life. To encourage citizens’ participation, as well as to guarantee a significant participation of civic actors in the NUDGE project, Cittadinanzattiva has involved different external stakeholders, including civic and consumer organizations, but not only. These will assist Cittadinanzattiva and the other members of the consortium in the first phase of the project by helping translate the general profiling survey in their native language and disseminate it across their country.

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