

The overarching goal of the NUDGE project is to examine and unleash the potential of behavioral interventions for long-term changes in energy efficiency behaviours, paving the way to the systematic application of such interventions as a worthwhile contribution to policy making. This will be achieved through behavioural interventions; a solid expertise in behavioural science; (mobile) user interface and policy design; synergies between different stakeholders (energy providers, co-operatives, and communities; consumer associations; and technology providers); as well as an extensive network of experts and industrial/consumer associations amplifying the potential for tangible impacts on policy making at all levels. In its effort to achieve its ultimate goal and improve energy efficiency, as well as to overcome the challenges resulting from the implementation of nudging techniques in the energy sector, the project has four major objectives:

- Objective 1: Tailor the design of behavioural interventions to individual psychological and contextual variables;

- Objective 2: Execute extensive field trials (pilots) that address multiple instances of consumer behaviour, implementing different mixes of behaviour-based and traditional interventions even across participants of the same pilot;

- Objective 3: Develop a systematic core and contextual research protocol to continuously measure the impact of the implemented behavioural interventions; 

- Objective 4: Consolidate the findings of pilots into recommendations towards policy makers and relevant stakeholders.

More information:

To know more the role of Cittadinanzattiva/Active Citizenship Network within the project, click here

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