

ENGAGE is a bold EU-funded project whose mission is to provide novel knowledge, impactful solutions and emergency response guidelines for exploiting Europe ´s societal resilience. Solutions will aim at bridging the gap between formal and informal approaches to risk and emergency management, increasing the ability of communities to adapt before, during and after disaster. This project has received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N° 882850.
The ENGAGE consortium brings together the expertise of 14 partners across 8 European countries, and Cittadinanzattiva is involved both at national level and, through its EU branch Active Citizenship Network, also at European level.

With this project Cittadinanzattiva confirms its commitment to making human settlements more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and its interest in activities aimed at achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. To be updated, please subscribe to the dedicated newsletter.

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