

In line with the strategies and objectives of the European Union and Europe's Beating Cancer Plan of February 2021, Cittadinanzattiva, with the support of Novartis, on the 28th of January 2021 launched, "Together for the Oncology of the Future”, which put together around a virtual table over 60 Italian realities representing the institutions, universities, research bodies, civil society with a know-how linked both to the clinical-health world and to the fields of economics, sociology, the environment, philosophy, innovation and work. The goal is to outline in a Strategic Document on the future of Oncology, to be delivered to the Institutions, about priorities and policy actions centred on individuals, also in the light of the European Charter of Patients’ Rights that will contribute to changing the approach to oncology by 2030. 

Over the past decade, important milestones have been achieved: the number of survivors of cancer has increased and, in many cases, people have returned to the same life expectancy as the general population. We cannot allow to undermine what has been achieved to date.

For this reason, is essential a new approach that requires a more integrated vision of policies that looks to the future: the fight against cancer is not an individual challenge but a challenge for the whole society in which health, social, economic, and environmental policies are closely connected to a very ambitious common goal: to fight cancer or, at least, to make the disease less chronic.

After the first meeting, 4 multistakeholder tables, dedicated to prevention, innovation, equity of care, quality of life, were organized between February and April 2021.

The public presentation of the Strategic Document is expected between October and November 2021. 

To know more click here (EN – IT)

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