

Following our “Position paper on prevention, innovation and a new health governance for the new EU Institutions”, drafted in May 2019 by ACN with the endorsement of 18 associations, on Non-Communicable Diseases, Active Citizenship Network has decided to increase the awareness of a growing number of patients’ rights associations on the importance of the prevention of pathologies correlated to cardiovascular protection. To do so, it was launched, from the second half of 2019, a multi-annual EU project with the aim of increasing consciousness on correct lifestyles and access to treatment, collecting good practices and reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases across Europe. 

Supported by Bayer, the advocacy expertise on CVDs at the EU level has been guaranteed by the “European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation”, Stroke Alliance for Europe” and “The Heart Failure Policy Network”, while the scientific support has been provided by the “Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care” (SIMG). 21 PAGs from 16 Countries have been involved in a cycle of training seminars, in the definition and dissemination at the national level of an awareness campaign, in a policy dialogue & networking at the EU level. 

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To know more:

The commitment of Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (EN – IT)

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