

Active Citizenship Network (ACN) is glad to invite you on the 29th of September 2021, from 11.30 to 13.00 CEST, to the digital event titled “Promoting civic information to better address the collateral damage of COVID-19 on cardiovascular disease across Europe”. The EU webinar organized by Active Citizenship Network is scheduled in occasion of the Annual “World Heart Day”: starting from data provided by the European Society of Cardiology on the Covid-19 impact, thanks to this initiative, ACN’s aim is to highlight some key messages - both in terms of prevention and in terms of health priorities for the coming years. About it, Active Citizenship Network is happy to confirm that this European webinar has been included in the portal of the EU Union focused on the Conference for the Future of Europe, and it will be hosted by the MEPs Interest Group "European Patients' Rights & CrossBorder Healthcare”. 

For more information please click here and write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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