

Throughout the world, health outcomes have improved dramatically over the past decade. The key to this global health progress has been and continues to be the advance in science-based, medical innovation, including new procedures, diagnostics, health technologies and medicines.

While progress has been made, there is still an urgent need to accelerate the pace of drug discovery and research for tomorrow’s cures to address unmet health needs and to reduce the global and economic burden of illness and disease.

There is also much that must be done to strengthen health systems to ensure that these advancements reach the patients who need them. As Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) says, “Health systems are the foundation for better health. All the donated drugs in the world won’t do any good without an infrastructure for their delivery.”  

We, the undersigned, call on national governments around the world to support the global search for new treatments and cures through policies that support, incentivize and promote medical discovery and innovation.


We call on governments around the world to commit to providing sustainable health care delivery, so that people who need treatment and medicines can get them, no matter what their financial standing. Governments should ensure patient and citizen involvement in health policy development and transparency in their decision-making processes.

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