

To contribute to the growth of civic dimension in Colombia to reach a higher and better level of protection of the rights of users in the field of public services and health care. With this ambitious goal, in January 2009 Cittadinanzattiva embarked for Latin America, ready to export to protect the rights and promotion of civic participation from the top of a thirty-year experience, but also aware of the delicacy of the challenge which has been called to.

This experience was realized from 2009 to 2012 by Cittadinanzattiva and the United Nations Development Programme/Colombia within the ART-REDES Programme and with the financial support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy. Read more
More information:

- Description of the project “Derechos y Desarrollo” (“Rights and Development”) (EN – ES – IT version)
- A brief Colombian context, San Juan de Pasto and Cartagena de Indias (IT – ES version)
- Communication tools
Press Release
Final Report and summary
- Perspectives for the future (IT – ES version)
- Download the document “Participación ciudadana y servicios públicos

- Encuesta sobre riesgos de corrupción en el sector salud en Colombia. Download the Report and the summary
- Riesgos de corrupcion en el sistema de salud colombiano: Estudio de caso Cartagne de Indias
Manual del vocal de control
- Manual de Comités de Desarrollo y Control Social

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