

I started my experience at Cittadinanzattiva - Active Citizenship Network in March 2020, with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. This situation did not allow me to attend the working environment as I wished, but, despite this, I immediately felt involved in all activities, which included drafting new articles, participating in meetings and webinars, helping in the organization of public events, and establishing new partnerships and collaborations. All the people I interacted with supported and respected me throughout the whole experience and made me feel in a serene environment that was open to discussion and innovation. Despite the difficulties due to Covid-19, ACN has offered me many different experiences in tune with my interests that have allowed me to measure myself with a new and fascinating reality.

Concerning the working environment, at the end of this experience at ACN, I can say with great confidence that I have gained awareness of my abilities and feel more advantaged than many of my peers. Concerning, instead, the world of the EU, the initiatives and projects I worked on made me feel part not only of ACN as an organization, but of a European and international network actively working for the protection of citizens' and patients’ rights. Working at ACN has been a more than positive experience and, in this period of global difficulty and emergency, the best I could ask for. I highly recommend it.


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