

Student in political sciences, interested in the changes in the expressions of "traditional" democracy, thanks to the experience at ACN, I was able to begin the study of a nascent European phenomenon to go back in subsequent years to its origins. A speaker and events manager, I nowadays work for the European Parliament at the Maison Jean Monnet in Paris, which is part of the House of European History in Brussels.

My research has focused on "horizontal Europeanization", i.e. the active participation of citizens in transnational political debate; a prerequisite for the formation of a European public sphere.
The period of volunteering at Cittadinanzattiva allowed me to analyze the case-study discussed in my thesis: the action of European civil societies in an area historically the prerogative of nation-states, but at the same time extremely universal, such as health and the protection of patients' rights. It was a real initiation into the universe gravitating around the EU, its concrete functioning, its terminology and its actors.

It was the first work experience related to my studies and allowed me to acquire transversal skills essential for my future professional integration. In a Rome characterized by the hot sun of the summer months, I keep a wonderful memory also for the exceptional human encounters, particularly formative, with the members of the Cittadinanzattiva team.


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