

The provisions of the Clean Energy Package have paved the way for a new, more active role of prosumers and energy communities in the electricity market. Innovative tools and tailored solutions should be developed and tested in order to fully enable new types of interaction between citizens as consumers, prosumers and (members of) energy communities and foster participation in energy (in particular electricity) markets. To reach these goals, the following call for Horizon projects has been launched:

TOPIC ID: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01-08 - Supporting the action of consumers in the energy market and guide them to act as prosumers, communities and other active forms of active participation in the energy activities.

Call: Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply (HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01)
The deadline to apply is April 26, 2022.

Read more:

Energy policies: the commitment of Cittadinanzattiva at the national and European level (IT -EN)

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