

As the first year of the NUDGE Project ends, the first phase of data collection on consumers’ behaviors regarding energy is ending, while the second phase begins. This year the NUDGE consortium will carry out five field trials to experiment with a broad set of behavioral interventions in scenarios with high potential for energy savings, targeting consumers from Greece, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, and Croatia. Pilot projects will target European consumers coming from different environments (residential, energy communities, schools), different age groups (children included), different income classes, and being served by different energy carriers.

These activities are the follow up of the actions carried out in the first year of the project, where Cittadinanzattiva, together with the other members of the consortium as well as its networks of consumer and civil organizations, has developed and disseminated a survey targeting consumers all over Europe. This survey, translated in 14 different languages, helped the NUDGE consortium collect information on the energy behaviors of European citizens, which have provided the data to develop the field pilots that will take place over 2021-2022.

Last 30 of September, in Thessaloniki, has been organized the first pilot workshop to evaluate with 9 invited domX users the respective nudges of the Greek pilot in terms of user acceptance, comprehensibility and ease-of-use. The workshop resulted in the collection of valuable feedback from our users that will ultimately assist in the design and implementation of the respective nudges within the domX smartphone application. For more information, please click here.

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