

In occasion of the annual EU Flu Day, on 14th October 2021, it has been launched a survey focused on this new INFLUENZA vaccination campaign and the concomitant deployment of COVID-19 vaccination. Don’t miss it, have your say! Fill it here, the deadline to complete the survey is the 20th of November.

The initiative has been developed by Active Citizenship Network in the framework of the EU project #VaccinAction 2021 "Protecting the value of vaccination during - and after - the COVID-19 pandemic across Europe: impact, experiences and perspectives from citizens’ and patients’ advocacy groups & relevant stakeholders”, to support the COVID-19 vaccination environment while enhancing the uptake of routine immunisation. It is not a collection of statistical data, but a sort of “online focus group” (that we cannot carry out in person) to bring out the opinions and concerns of the various stakeholders involved, in the different countries. 

The survey is divided into 6 sections (general info, resources, access, monitoring, communication, engagement), it will be considered anonymous, and it will take no more than a few minutes. It is not possible to save the answers during the compilation and the survey must be filled in all in a single session. 
Your collaboration will be fundamental! Many thanks in advance for your time and for further information, do not hesitate to contact the Active Citizenship Network team in the person of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Read more: The engagement of Cittadinanzattiva on vaccination.

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