

All the documents linked with the 1st EU-founded project NUDGE webinar, realized last 9 Nov 2021, are online! If you'd like to see the survey results about consumer behaviour in Europe, watch the recording and download all the presentations.

Cittadinanzattiva was involved in the collection of data from EU citizens. This activity was carried out by its EU branch called Active Citizenship Network (ACN), who wishes to thank the following associations tied to its constituency for the fruitful cooperation: CEIP-Centar Za Edukaciju I Informiranje Potrošača/Center for Education and Consumer Information (Croatia), HUZP-Hrvatska Udruga Za Zaštitu Potrošača/Croatian Association For Consumer Protection (Croatia), INDECOSA-Information Et Défense Des Consommateurs Salariés (France), IFOK (Germany), EEKE-Ένωση Εργαζομένων Καταναλωτών Ελλάδοσ/Union of Working Consumers (Greece), Talented Borders (Latvia), Asociacija Vartotojų Teisių Gynimo Centras/Lithuanian Consumer Association (Lithuania), Ghaqda Tal-Konsumaturi/Consumers’ Association of Malta (Malta), Association for Consumer Rights (Malta), INFOCONS–Protecția Consumatorilor (Romania),
Asociácia Spotrebiteľských Subjektov Slovenska/Association of Consumer Organization in Slovakia (Slovakia), ZPS-Zveza Potrošnikov Slovenije/Slovene Consumers’ Association (Slovenia), CONSUMUR-Asociación de Consumidores y Usuarios en Red (Spain), ECU-European Consumer Union (EU ombrella organization). To download the document, click here.

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