

On the occasion of the two-day event of the H2020 EU-funded project ENGAGE-Engage Society for Risk Awareness and Resilience, which took place on 8-9 November 2021 in Rome, EENA (European Emergency Number Association) - partner of the project - has awarded Cittadinanzattiva with EENA’s medal of honor for Distinguished Service during COVID-19. The ASL Roma1, the Red Cross of Trondheim and Ertzaintza of the Basque Government were also awarded, recognizing the effort and sacrifice of all who have faced the pandemic to protect collective health and well-being.

In particular, the President of EENA, Demetrios Pyrros, reiterated the symbolism of handing these distinctions. “Medals of honour are usually the government’s highest and most prestigious decoration. That’s what you mean to us, and that’s why we want to honour you because you are our modern-day heroes — the embodiment of courage, resilience and selflessness”.

To know more:

- The official website of the ENGAGE project (EN – IT) and watch the video presentation (EN)

- Follow the ENGAGE project on social media: FacebookLinkedInTwitter.

The engagement of Cittadinanzattiva in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic

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