

Following three European SIP symposia between 2010-2012, this year for the first time the SIP Programme Committee has decided to invite us to the so-called "SIP Focus Groups", which will take place on 14th and 15th May 2013 in Brussels in the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and in the EU Parliament. The two Focus Groups will concentrate on two topics: "Pain as Quality Indicator of Outcome" and "Chronic Pain in the Working Population".

During the Focus Group “Chronic Pain in the EU Working Population” on May 15 in the European Parliament, Pain Alliance Europe and Active Citizenship Network will present "European Assessment of the EU Patient Right of Avoiding Unnecessary Suffering and Pain", a civic survey on the respect of the unnecessary pain patients’ right in Europe. More information on the registration procedure and the two Focus Groups' topics can be found in the SIP 2013 Programme.

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