

The European research project NUDGE, funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 research programme, investigated how intelligent behavioural nudges can be used to encourage consumers to save energy. On the occasion of the final event, organized in Brussels on 6 November in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Delegation to the European Union and titled “Saving energy through nudging – How can behavioural science be used to create energy-saving incentives for end consumers?”, the consumer perspective was represented by Anastasia Chatzipavlou, Director of EEKE-Union of Working Consumers of Greece, member and representative of the European Consumers’ Union (ECU) (in the picture together with ACN’ Director). EEKE is the Greek consumer organization partner of Cittadinanzattiva, the only consumer organization involved in the NUDGE consortium. To download the NUDGE posters, click here and here. Read more (in Greek).

 can behavioural science be used to create energy saving incentives for end consumers 2

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