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Monthly Newsletter edited by Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network
Civic Activism | Patients' Rights | Consumers' Rights | Support ACN
Year 6th, number 58 - May 2018

For further information, please contact Daniela Quaggia (d.quaggia@activecitizenship.net)


Therapeutic adherence: value the impact for patients and healthcare system

23th May 2018,  09:30 – 13:00
European Parliament - Room PHS - P7C050

In line with the topic of healthcare systems’ sustainability, addressed in the previous conferences of the European Patients‘ Rights Day, the twelfth edition will contribute to the current policy debate on how to achieve a more sustainable provision of care. The poor adherence to treatments has, in fact, significant implications for the expenditures of healthcare and it is estimated to increase costs of approximately €80 billion a year. 

The event will be an occasion to foster communication among different partners/actors in the healing and caring process to improve adherence to treatments and take commitments to increase the respect of patients’ rights and their involvement as  fundamental active partners with health professionals in their own care, respecting the fundamental values recognised by the European Charter of Patients’ Rights.


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Read more and share with us your experience on therapeutic adherence!


Director and Editor in chief: Mariano Votta
Editors: Daniela Quaggia
Coordination and Production: Giacomo D'Orazio 

To contribute, plase write to: mail@activecitizenship.net

Active Citizenship Network c.o. Cittadinanzattiva - Via Cereate 6 - 00183 Roma - Tel. +39 6 367181 - Fax +39 6 36718333
Representative office to the UE: Rue Philippe Le Bon, 46 - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: (+39) 340 84 65 097 Mail: brussels@activecitizenship.net